I loved how the skirt turned out. I am going to do a matching jacket for the next issue. I was very surprised at how well the cables show up. The yarn provides a very interesting tweedy texture. Word is out in the industry that tweed is very hot. I've been thinking about what I want to do for the next issue and I plan to do a tweedy argyle vest.
Several lessons were waiting for me when I got home. It didn't take me long to get them out. I really do not like to have students waiting very long for my letters. I take pride in getting things back quickly. It has been difficult this past month.
This weeks tip is about how to pick up stitches along a horizontal (bound off ) edge. In a sweater, you generally find this type of edge in necklines. Before I discuss how to do this, I should mention that many patterns suggest putting the neckline stitches on holders and then working the band. I don't do this unless it is a baby sweater. They have such pumpkin heads you need all the give you can get in a neckline to pull the sweater over there head. If you bind off the neckline stitches, your neckband will have more support. Test this by stretching live stitches and then stretching a bound off edge and you will see what I mean. I think so many patterns have you do it this way rather than explain how to do it properly. Anyway, I will get off my soapbox and get to the point.
Pick up stitches on a bound off edge in the center of the stitch BELOW the bind off edge, not IN the bind off or between the stitches. The two photos belabor this point.

The stitches you pick up should continue the column of stitches below. If you look closely at the photograph below you can see that the columns of stitches continue into the band. It is little details like this that make something look "handmade" as opposed to "homemade."

If you pick up the stitches between the columns, it pinches the stitches together which results in the DREAD Elevens.

Here is the link to the video: Picking Up Stitches. Next week, unless someone has a special need, will be picking up stitches on a vertical (selvedge) edge.
Salon will be on Sunday from 2-5pm. Saturday is the HD simulcast of one of my favorite operas...not only is the music divine, it has all you want in an opera except a soprano dying of consumption. You can't have everything. I saw this production of Tosca a few years ago and it has some of the creepiest staging I've ever seen. There is also a football game.
I posted a photo above of the skirt and twin set. They really worked well together. I did a pair of socks as well. Jan suggested I call them "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary." I had hoped to finish two colorways for the photo shoot. I did get one pair done but the second pair was photographed "in progress".
One of these are now done and I should have the other done by tomorrow. Then I have birthday presents to do (you know who you are!)
Mary, Mary quite contrary…… I know who they should be for!