Friday, September 13, 2013

Eyelet Button--Version 3

Last week ended with a drive to Zanesville for the selection meeting for the Spring issue.  The Fashion Framework lesson is on dog sweaters and the Stitch Anatomy lesson is on lace, particular circular lace (can you tell I am avoiding the "D" word--DOILY).  This is something covered in Level 3 of the Masters.  There won't be any doilies other than those in the lesson in the magazine but there will be lots of dog sweaters, including a lace one.

Another slow week...I only had two lessons to review and no new students.  I'd like to say that I got lots done but not so much...

Pre-registration is closed for the conference in Charlotte.  I learned in Indianapolis that there were students who wanted to sign up for the Finishing Classes but since they didn't have time to do the homework, they couldn't.  I'm going to put together some homework packets just in case.  I'm always willing to provide the swatches, if I have enough time.  Obviously, I do charge for it.

I'm putting together the kits for the classes now.  I do learn from my mistakes!

This weeks tip is about the third version of Eyelet buttonholes.  Again, there are lots of variations.  I have just selected three.  I've had some suggestions about future topics so I will take a break from finishing tips next week. 

This version of the eyelet looks like a vertical buttonhole.  In the Masters Program we categorize buttonholes as either eyelet, horizontal or vertical.  This doesn't describe how the buttonhole LOOKS but rather how it is made.  If you are doing Level 2 of the Masters Program, don't include this as a vertical buttonhole.

The photograph below shows this type of buttonhole in stockinette and ribbing.  You can use it for other stitch patterns. 

This buttonhole, as with versions 1 and 2, uses double yarn overs. Instead of using the yarn overs to make two stitches, you knit or purl into the yarn over itself. This isn't noticeable in ribbing but it is in stockinette. If you look at the buttonhole itself you can see the strands of yarn.  It is even more visible on the WS of the work as seen in the photograph.   

The only tricky thing about this buttonhole is to stay in pattern.  Depending on the stitch pattern, you either purl or knit INTO the yarn over.  In the instructions below, notice where it says (knit or purl).  The instructions assume you are working it in K1P1 ribbing. 

  1. Work the knit stitch before the stitch where the buttonhole will be placed. (For K1P1 ribbing this should be a purl stitch.
  2. Double YO, K2tog, complete the row.
  3. Next Row: Work in pattern to the yo, knit* the first yo and drop the second, complete row.
  4. Next Row: Work in pattern to the buttonhole, purl* into the buttonhole, drop the purl stitch, complete row.
  5. Next Row: Work in pattern to the buttonhole, knit* into the buttonhole, drop the knit stitch, complete row.
*This applies to K1P1 ribbing. 

Here is the video:  Eyelet Buttonhole--Variation 3
Salon will be on Sunday from 2-5pm.  Saturday is a busy day.  There is football game, it is Yom Kippur and I have to drive to the airport. 

I already have the yarn for one of the garments I am going to do for the Spring issue.  I am doing a twin set using Lotus Mimi (100% mink).  It is pretty luscious.  Penny wants it sized for her so the color is RED (again).  Good think I like red.  I did the gauge swatch and I am happy to report the fiber responds well to wet blocking.  I haven't started yet as I want to finish up another project.

I have the back and one of the fronts done for this sweater.  I want to finish up this front before starting the next project.  This is a absolutely PLAIN cardigan.  The front band folds over so I have to do buttonholes on the facing as well.  I'm using vertical buttonholes.  I don't mind all the yarn tails as I will use them to reinforce the buttonholes when I'm done.  I am afraid to put this down without finishing it.  Even with notes, I'm not sure I could reconstruct what I am doing.  The buttonholes are exactly 32 rows apart and each buttonhole is 5 rows.  It is easier to finish this up than remember (in 2 months time) what I did.

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